House Reveals Plan for Legislative Agenda after Midterms

House Reveals #1 Priority Post Midterms — You Might Be Surprised

( – The 2022 Midterm elections are on November 8, and candidates seeking re-elections or first-time elective positions are fastening their efforts to win victories. With it, they share their campaign manifestos, touting their issues and strategies to implement the issues that significantly affect the American citizen. The manifestos are strategically written for voters and broadcasters to analyze and well-articulated in meetings and campaigns, incorporating keywords like “expand,” “improve,” “provide,” and “prevent” to appeal to the sentiments of the voter.

The Republicans are maximizing on being the minority, a position they would rather not be, to critique the incumbent majority and, ironically, gain the house. In conjunction, GOP leaders have produced a legislative agenda dubbed the “Commitment to America” and promised the American citizens what they would do when they retake the house.

Commitment to America” contains four central pillars focusing on Individual Freedom, Economy, Safety, and Government Accountability. House Republicans conveyed to be briefed on the plan before it was made public.

The Four Pillars

The Economy

Republicans have categorized the economy agenda into three parts:

  1. Fight Inflation and lower the cost of living. They have shifted the blame to President Joe Biden‘s Democrat-led federal government in Washington, stating that Inflation and high costs have been brought forth by their wasteful expenditure of Americans’ taxes. GOP has quoted, in part, a 13.5% increment in food prices, the largest ever in the country’s history.
  2.  Make America Energy Independent and reduce gas prices- They claim Biden Administration has, under their watch, discouraged the production of American energy resources. Since Biden took office, gas prices have shot up by more than 60%.
  3. Strengthen the Supply Chain and End Dependence on China- America is increasingly becoming reliant on the Chinese for critical supplies. Medicine and technology.


  1. Secure borders and Combat Illegal Immigration- The border situation has become a humanitarian crisis. Illegal immigration has led to increased crime and drugs in the country. Over 3.5 million people have illegally crossed the country under Biden’s Administration.
  2. Reduce crime and Protect Public Safety- “Defund the Police” efforts are continuously making the working conditions of the law enforces harder. The murder rate in 2021 rose to 20, the highest in over 20 years.
  3. Defend America’s National Security- President Biden’s current policies are endangering the lives of Americans. For instance, he has promoted Russian Energy and withdrawn the U.S. military from the Gulf States, fatally killing 13 U.S. service members. $7 billion has been abandoned in Afghanistan as a result of the withdrawal.

A Future Built on Freedom

  1. Health-Thanks to talented medical human resources and innovative practices, America’s status as the world’s best medical care provider serves Americans no good because of the rationed care approach.
  2. Education-Make sure every student can succeed and work towards the restoration of the parents’ voices.
  3. Big Tech-Technology silences and sensors individuals with conservative viewpoints in an essential reference to social media. 70% of GOP emails are directed to the spam section on Gmail compared to just 10% of Democrats’ campaign emails.

Government Accountability

  1. Preservation of constitutional Freedom-GOP promises to, among others, uphold free speech and protect the lives of mothers and their unborn children.
  2. Holding Washington accountable-GOP is promising to require the federal government to answer for any incompetent practices in and out of the U.S. There have been zero hearings for Biden’s failure in Afghanistan.
  3. Restore the People’s Voice-GOP plans to repeal proxy voting in the congress that the Democrats brought. A house member would have to be present to cast their vote. 90% of the House of Democrats are paid while not attending house sessions in Washington.

The agenda does not come without scrutiny, though, with opposing members saying that the plan focuses more on big ideas but is ambiguous in policy specifics.

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